Today’s chord progression is
Am C G D
Firstly we have the straight chords, strummed 8 times each. Alternating down and up-strums for an easy going rhythm. All down-strums for a more dynamic sound.
Variation 1 – Latin Feel
A syncopated rhythm, with two distinct components. The bass note (the three thick strings of the guitar are known as the bass notes – nothing to do with bass guitar – just the three lowest sounding strings on the guitar), and the short, snappy chords (staccato is the technical term for short and snappy) on the treble strings. Same chord shapes as the first strumming example, but a very different sound.
Incidentally, the bass note is usually the root note of the corresponding chord, but not always. The third bar, which is a G chord is played here with the bass note B.
Variation 2: Folky Fingerpicking
This has the same chord shapes as the previous variation, but the rhythm is more regular. The strings are plucked alternately by the right hand thumb and finger. This is shown in the music with the p i p m p I p m above the tab. These letters are commonly used in guitar notation – they are the first letters of the Spanish words for the fingers and thumb.
- p = thumb (pulgar)
- i = index finger (indice)
- m = middle finger (medio)
- a = third (ring) finger (anular)
Variation 3: Gentle and light fingerpicking
This is similar to the previous variation, but higher up. Also, the picking alternates between the thumb and index finger.
Variation 4: Chunky
Here, the chords are converted into power chords. Play this palm-muted or non-palm-muted / on electric or acoustic for varying results.
Variation 5 : Plinky
High inversions here. Notice how:
- the Am looks like a Dm, but is based on the 8th fret
- the G looks like a D but is based on the 7th fret
- the C chord is taken from an E shape barre chord on the 8th fret, and
- the D is taken from an A shape barre chord on the 5th
This information is enlarged upon in my other articles on movable chords.
For more ideas on breathing new life into ordinary chord progressions, see this post
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