Here’s a very well known 3 part Irish double jig, which you’ll hear in sessions all over the world. The key is D mixolydian, which means it’s basically D major, with a hint of minor brought about by the C naturals. D major would normally have C sharps.
I learned this tune early on as a fiddle player and have never tired of playing it some 35 years later.
I’m playing it here with a new bow that I’m just starting to get used to. It’s a carbon fibre bow and was recommended to me by classical/folk player Martin Coath. I was chatting to him about looking for a new bow (my existing one was limping along with a taped up crack near the tip). Martin leant me his spare carbon fibre bow and, as soon as I picked it up, I felt at home with it. Solid, light and very straight is how I’d describe my first impressions.
So, thanks to Martin for this, and I hope you like my version of this excellent Irish tune.